The Eighth House is about death, sex, regeneration, other people's money, secrets. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. Its time to let go of some of your fears that you are not doing enough, to develop more compassion and understanding of others, and to be humble, feeling safe in the knowledge that you (and others) are not perfect. For example, if we were struggling with money or dividing our assets in 2003-2004, and we then saw a period of financial increase in 2012-2014, this 2021-2023 period might pull up a need to reorganize, shuffle around, or otherwise sort our finances. Youre getting in touch with basic feelings and needs that you may have overlooked in the past. So, when the moon travels through it, your presence in social circles might take a back seatespecially because the emotions can be so potent. Its also a period for considering new ways to handle support, debt, attachment, or addiction. The last series of eclipses along the Taurus-Scorpio axis occurred from November 2012 to October 2014, November 1993 to October 1995, May 1984 to April 1986, and May 1975 to November 1976. Keep in mind that you can feel a little wiped out around the time of the eclipse before energy rebuilds. Events happening now and in the coming weeks set you up for new beginnings in one or more of these areas of life. Although you may be tempted to squirrel yourself away at home, take time out during these few days to wave your own flag. Solar Eclipses often affect you more than others because Leos are ruled by the Sun. The New Moon is the time of internalizing and looking within yourself. We become aware of where we have been overdoing our dependence on others, whether emotionally, physically, or materially, and where its come at the expense of our self-worth. Events and circumstances are such that they serve to clear the path for new beginnings, mainly related to how you fit in with friends and the community. In the areas of publishing, promotion, travel, adventure, belief systems, world cultures, higher education, and the law, if appropriate to your current conditions, there can be new beginnings or sudden advancement/focus. In a volatile situation, you will need to have your wits about you as you will have a particularly high profile. Long-term changes are in the works! Over the coming weeks, circumstances seem to conspire to take charge of your health, private affairs, and need to put emotional baggage behind you. There can be emerging opportunities to publish or promote your work, share your ideas, and enjoy mind-expanding experiences. The sign of the 8th house cusp can give some astrological indication of death. A new look, image, or expression of independence. google_ad_slot = "8179106850"; Striving toward a better work-rest balance. There can be a promotion or the career takes a new direction (especially if an eclipse occurs close to the Midheaven). Note that the career can instead be responsibilities to the outside world or longer-term life path goals. Youre getting in touch with basic feelings and needs that you may have overlooked in the past. Eclipses close to the South Node tug at us a little harder. There can be a new beginning or approach regarding love, romance, creativity, children, fertility, entertainment, leisure, or hobbies. Depending on current life circumstances, dealing with an audit or back taxes is another possibility. Make sure youre not demanding too much of yourself in the long runyou will not always have this much drive, and you dont want to peter out because you cant keep up with yourself. Its a time of new beginnings and pursuing your hearts desire. Its a time for freeing yourself from situations that have kept you unhappy, confined, or worried. Because its effects can be felt up to six months after the actual date of the eclipse, it has more power to affect our personal lives than a regular New Moon. Aligned with Venus, this eclipse has much to do with getting along with others, enjoying yourself more confidently, and perhaps employing some charm. Please read Lunations & Eclipses: Current for a discussion of the general meaning of eclipses.. My horoscopes often refer to eclipses and their influence on the solar houses of a chart. New opportunities and drives to enjoy yourself (entertainment, leisure) and express yourself (hobbies, creative pursuits, pastimes). Eclipses can seem to drain us before we begin fresh, slowly but steadily rebuilding our energy and motivation. We might take steps towards self-mastery by tackling things that undermine us and take away our power, such as compulsive behaviors, addictions, or substantial debts. These new realizations are far from discountabletheyre significant. If 2 degrees Scorpio is in the ninth house, you will be learning to expand your horizons through contact with people from an entirely different background than yours, travel, or higher learning. It also squares Saturn. We could find that people are largely cooperative in our quest, and close personal relationships are deeply involved. You could get funding or other forms of support for your efforts to expand your mind, teach, guide, promote, or connect. Along the same vein, we must consider whether we are contributing our share and earning what we deserve. The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. Partial SOLAR Eclipse 2018 August 11 5:57:38 18 Leo 42, Partial SOLAR Eclipse 2019 January 5 20:28:05 Money you lend or owe others, prizes, gifts, inheritances, tax payments and refunds are covered. If youve been holding on too tightly to a lifestyle or financial habits that havent been serving you well, this is a time when changes become necessary. Developing a mental rapport with others, sharing ideas, and reaching out or pouring energies into your interests and studies can figure strongly and benefit you. However, security and growth is not merely financial activity; the focus deals with the development of material values and obligatory attitudes that promote inner growth as well as material and psychological security. This eclipse could bring you in contact with lawyers, professors, or publicists. Negotiations and one-to-one relationships are highlighted now and in the coming weeks. There can be emerging opportunities to publish or promote your work, share your ideas, and enjoy mind-expanding experiences. Full Moon in 3rd House Dont everybody talk at once! 50 With this particular eclipse, the focus is taking charge of your home life, attention to matters of security and safety, and connecting with family and your own emotions. Use your browser's refresh or reload to update the moon calculator. The essence is that you bring things to full bloom right now, so you can begin harvesting what you have sown. Its also important to consider that the North Node is closer to, or transiting, Taurus during this 2021-2023 Taurus-Scorpio eclipse set. Thats what youre likely to be saying as the volume level around you peaks and everybody is trying to get a message through, including yourself. Read more about the day of the eclipse on Astrology Cafe. As such, the first days following the eclipse are suitable for paying attention to news coming in and feelings emerging, but taking new action should wait. The meaningful alliances are generally expressed as marital or business partnerships. Some might become aware of the heavy energetic price of debt or toxic entanglements. A Solar Eclipse may be the impetus to move to another location. There can be flooding of energies around the time of the eclipse in October-November 2022, which can be a little disorienting, but going forward, youll get a stronger sense of what changes need to be made. There can be an initial feeling of being stuck, blocked, underappreciated, or uncertain of your next step. It can be empowering to now see where weve been attached to things that kept us from growing and feeling worthy, confident, and fulfilled. If you've been wanting to start a joint business venture or praying for a miraculous windfall, this eclipse energy could make that manifest for you, with a profitable proposal . This can also be a time for giving more time to a person in need or a major cause. Things to look at when comparing the Lunation charts to your own: An eclipse is a far more potent lunation. Its time to formulate some clear goals and plans. The last set where the North Node was in Taurus was the eclipse set in November 2002 to April 2005. This can bring invigorating events into your life that serve to nudge you out of your usual routine. You learn the value of brotherly love and the benefits of a sense of belonging to a community. Your personal magnetism is powerful. Both areas of life will benefit. Similarly, this eclipse can nudge you forward if youve been avoiding someone or expressing your relationship needs. You are making a break from the past in some manner, helping clear the path for future growth and development. How you support others, and they you, can be important now, and with this eclipse in alignment with charming Venus, its a great time to smooth over differences. This Lunar Eclipse gives us a cosmic push to make needed changes in our lives. Reorganizing your thingsan overhaul, Joy, compromise, and gentleness are important ingredients in your success story with relationships at this time. Dont push for clarity, and it will come! that his/her efforts are being rewarded and as a display of success. Developing a mental rapport with others, sharing ideas, and reaching out or pouring energies into your interests and studies can figure strongly and benefit you. ), and/or to learn and communicate facts that fuel your opinions. Notable for this event is a Venus alignment with the eclipse, and relationships, negotiations, and diplomacy can tie in to your success with enhancing your sense of comfort, well-being, and security or improve your finances. The energy is in the air to expand your window on the world, especially where it has been an ongoing operation already in the works. This eclipse specifically, occurring in Scorpio, is more about attending to the side of the equation that involves our profound connection to someone or something else. A good time for an office party, if you can concoct a good excuse for one. New communication projects or special interests, Significant events with publishing, promotion, legal matters. Outward expressions of psychic and spiritual activity impact the inner person. The theme: finish clearing the decks for action. That should mean ending extra spending for a time, as it will be less necessary, but thats hard to do on a Full Moon, when things are a little crazy and judgment isnt always on the mark. An idea or plan can come to full bloom. 15 Sagittarius 34 Our sensual side enhances, and sensual feelings heighten during this period. New topics of interest or belief systems that you find absorbing, It may be a time of withdrawal and retreat in a social sense, of soul-searching, and the seeking out of emotional peace of mind. Fortunately, aspects occurring around the time of this eclipse in your sign infuse it with wonderful character. You may be serving, helping, and supporting others or it could be a time of retreat and withdrawal on some level as you work behind the scenes. For example, the 1st house/7th house axis, or the 2nd house/8th house axis and so on. Notable for this event is a Venus alignment with the eclipse, and relationships, negotiations, and diplomacy can tie in to your success with enhancing your sense of comfort, well-being, and security or improve your finances. google_ad_client = "pub-6551255594736534"; Its also vital for making new contacts, learning new things, and expressing yourself in new ways (or through different channels). It can also be a time when you want/ask for more depth from a project, relationship, or endeavor. Essentially, you will be learning to stand on your own two feet! That can mean enjoying the fruits of your mutual labors wrought by the relationship, or it can mean finally fully connecting with someone youve been developing something special with for a while. If youd like an email reminder of my daily horoscopes, you can subscribe through Astrology Cafe. With this eclipse occurring in your social sector, you become more acutely aware of your position in life within the context of the group, rather than through self-centered focus. For ALL signs: This Solar Eclipse is the fourth in a set of seven along the Taurus-Scorpio axis from November 2021 to October 2023. Eclipses are tied to changing circumstances. We may be called upon to give up something in order to move forward into a new chapter in our lives. Still, this new energy can originate from a feeling of being overlooked. Eclipses in Scorpio or the 8th House (Here's what you can expect . ) Pouring new energy into a cause, happiness goal, dream, or objective. We can view it as one of several cosmic pushes regarding emerging themes. News can come that steers you in a new direction, or you could have a sudden urge to take a course or begin a new project. If youve been neglecting your psychic, spiritual, or emotional needs, then circumstances can push you to pay attention to your inner world now. This can help give more information gleaned by looking to the past to understand the present and future themes: The last time we had a set of Taurus-Scorpio eclipses was from November 2012 to October 2014. On this day, avoid taking any legal action. Pouring new energy into a cause, happiness goal, dream, or objective. Total LUNAR Eclipse 2026 March 3 at 12 Virgo 54, Total SOLAR Eclipse 2026 August 12 at 20 Leo If youve been going it alone, this can also be an essential cycle for reaching out and finding the support you need. google_ad_width = 468; Emotions and realizations feel big. The individual's motivation may depend upon his/her own level of growth attained to this stage of life. Because theres a crazy atmosphere surrounding it all, you can say things you might have hesitated to bring up and wear your heart on your sleeve without worrying about the outcome. A stronger awareness of the role someone plays in your life or the need for support and companionship may be in focus now. With a Lunar Eclipse in the eighth house, some drama with regards to a spouses income, or your taxes, debts, and investments, may occur on a mundane level. Letting go of a situation or attitude that has been holding you back may be part of the process. Its a good time for exploring the worldor new perspectiveswith friends. 2023, all rights reserved -. Self-improvement is in high focus. In your solar eighth house, you have a chance to see your inner workings in new, meaningful ways. 0 Cancer 21 When it comes to astrological charts and their twelve life sectors, called "houses," the scariest piece of the pie is the Eighth House, followed closely by the mysterious Twelfth House. Do something to improve your work conditions if they are annoying you. Self-recognition is essential to self-esteem and growth. moving house or reorganizing There may be chances to broaden your horizons through education, life experience, or adventure. Knowing what it is that truly deeply touches us improves our intimate relationships and our relationships with ourselves. My progressed sun is 1 deg Aries. Intimate relationship matters, such as personal comfort levels, values, and sexuality, figure prominently. There can be the need or desire to put your personal life first now, and changes may be afoot. A crisis of sorts (which can be a crisis of consciousness) or sudden awareness of a lack in our lives provides us with a golden opportunity to explore our emotional needs within the context of the house polarity where the eclipse occurs in our natal charts. My daily horoscopes are based on daily influences including eclipses, retrogrades, ingresses, and planetary aspects, depending on the day! Ease yourself into this dynamic phase of your life. However, youll feel the motivation and courage build, and youre likely to get to a point where youre in charge and confident of what youre doing. Annular SOLAR Eclipse 2021 June 10 6:52:29 at 19 Gemini 47, Partial LUNAR Eclipse 2021 November 19 3:57:17 at 27 Taurus It may be a time of withdrawal and retreat in a social sense, of soul-searching, and the seeking out of emotional peace of mind. Both areas of life will benefit. Youll also be working on establishing and centering yourself on an emotional level. You may have an admirer! Its the fourth eclipse to fall along the Taurus-Scorpio axis in a set that began in November 2021. The Lunar Eclipse on November 8th, 2022, occurs when the Moon is at 16 degrees of Taurus, opposing the Sun at 16 degrees Scorpio, and is a Total Lunar Eclipse. Having children, new friendships, different stages and developments in your social life. Clearing up the clutter is necessary and beneficial now. Avoid confrontations right now, which will put you at a disadvantage, use more subtle means to gain your ends when emotions run high. It might help to think back to these periods and consider the themes that surrounded your life then, if relevant, to better understand what the current eclipse series might mean for you. More than others because Leos are ruled by the Sun legal action axis and so on promote work... The South Node tug at us a cosmic push to make needed changes in our lives look,,. The South Node tug at us a little harder attachment, or expression independence. The value of brotherly love and the benefits of a sense of belonging to a community, with... Based on daily influences including eclipses, retrogrades, ingresses, and sexuality, prominently. 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